Friday, April 1, 2011

Rest Routine

Often times we live our lives, running around every day.  We wake up and go to work or doing whatever it is that we do.  We provide for our children and other loved ones.  We buy groceries and gas and go to this function and that ball game.  We fix what needs to be fixed, and we get up and do it again the next day.  Do we ever rest?

You may think that that’s what vacation is for, but one week away from the rat race really is not enough for our minds, bodies and spirits to replenish and rejuvenate.  We need to REST.  We need to relax our entire being so that we can continue to do what we do every day of our lives.

The challenge is to weave rest into our daily and weekly routines.  We must rest so that we can continue.  When was the last time you rested?  What did you do?  Consider your Rest Routine and make sure to Take Rest so that you can continue your life’s work!

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