Monday, April 4, 2011

The Procrastination Thief

What was the last thing you said you would do that you still haven’t done?  Are you a procrastinator?  Psychologically, procrastination is linked to personalities that include traits such as perfectionism and control just to name a few.  Wow!  These descriptions are very unbecoming.  What is procrastination all about?  Mine has been about all of the things I mentioned at various points.  I procrastinate for various reasons, but I am sure that psychologically, some of these things apply to me.

What I know for sure that procrastination is a thief.  It is a joy-killer and a fun-stealer.  As long as something that you have to do is hanging over your head, then it is extremely difficult to fully enjoy the moment that you are in.  How long will procrastination be the reason that you can’t go out and enjoy something to the fullest?  How long will you put off what you have been saying you’ll do for ages?  When will the time finally be right?

Procrastination keeps us tied up so that we are unable to complete the task or goal before us.  We have plenty of excuses for why we do what we do, but there is no time for excuses.  We mush suck it up and get to work!  Don’t let the thief steal what God has put in your heart to do!


  1. Very timely post!! from a procrastination Guru

  2. @gua: I'm taking it easy today. I'll do it tomorrow! :^)
