Today is the day after Easter. An entire belief system was founded based on the faith of believers in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The believers celebrated His Resurrection yesterday and many arose early in the morning to honor the Living God that they serve. Whether you believe or not, it is amazing to witness the faith of those who do, and to observe how over centuries, the story is still recounted every year with the same zeal as if it happened yesterday.
Easter concludes the Lenten season, and the week before Resurrection Sunday (as some call it) is often called Passion Week. This use of the word “passion” is a little misleading given that the common use of the word involves romantic love or zest. When we think of “passion”, we generally don’t think about pain – which is what Jesus’ last few days on this earth was filled with. So why is it that we describe Jesus’ last week on earth as a human being, the week between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday, Passion Week?
In etymological terms the Latin root of the word “passio” or “pati” means “suffering”. However in practical terms, think of it this way. You are generally willing to suffer for whatever you are passionate about. Think about it. What have you been willing to suffer for? Who have you been willing to suffer for? Those things and those people are your passions. They are what/who you are passionate about, and what you would do almost anything for.
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