Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Energizes you?

*45 minutes walking/running in gorgeous sunshine

Day 4 and I have stayed true to my commitment.  My body is sore, and my writer’s block is kicking in a bit, but I am here!

My cousin asked me years ago, “What energizes you?”  It is a very simple question, but ties into commitment very well.  If you have a purpose or reason for being, then you are energized each day to fulfill that destiny.  What energizes YOU?  Is there something that gets you out of bed regardless of your circumstances?

When you know why you are here and what you are called to do, then your life has purpose.  You are committed to that purpose.  Your energy comes from a sense of living totally and completing as the being that God created you to be.  To live as anything less is to live below the potential, talent and gifting that you have inside of you. 

If you don’t know what energizes you, reflect, pray and seek what your purpose is.  Commit to it, and live each day enveloped in it.  WHAT ENERGIZES YOU?

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