Today, I did not meet my goal. Although I am writing, I did not exercise today. There are no excuses. I could tell you that I had a long day – which I did, but ultimately, I just didn’t make time. What are we to do when we disappoint ourselves or when someone else disappoints us? What if we don’t live up to the standard or expectation that has been set? What if we break a promise?
Every decision has its consequences and we must be willing to accept them. When expectations are not met, we have to decide what our best friend would tell us, and then tell ourselves (or our friends) that. FORGIVE yourself for not meeting the perfectly flawless standard that you or someone else set before you. ASK God to forgive you, cleanse your heart and keep your intentions pure in all things. FORGIVE yourself. DECIDE who you are and how you’ll handle things differently in the future. START LIVING again.
Disappointments will exist in your life – either one that you inflict upon yourself, or one that finds its way into your life via your other relationships. Accept the forgiveness that God grants, and forgive yourself. Then take the next step in your life. You cannot live in the past looking back on how things could have gone differently. God will erase it from His memory... and so must you!
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