Friday, August 5, 2011

What has your stuff done for you lately?

New toys, bling and shiny new things are all something that we at some point or another like to have.  We spend money on new cars, clothes, video games, movies, boats, golf clubs, homes, grills, watches, jewelry or even a new “[hair] do.”  Sometimes our purchases are necessities, but more often than not, they are wants or something else that that we see in the store window that someone’s marketing campaign convinced us that we MUST have.  So we go shopping, we buy something, and then we have either:

a)    toys that are sitting in the house that we no longer use and even forgot we have,
b)    toys that are sitting in the house that we no longer use and even forgot we have and are STILL PAYING FOR or
c)    toys that we use frequently because we made a good purchase for our house or for our hobby

Which one of these applies to you?  I believe many people have an interest in something and spoil themselves occasionally and are reasonable with their purchases.  There are others who make purchases or start hobbies and never finish them.  We then are sitting on all of this stuff that we are still paying for and we have no use for the items.  Or we may still use it (like a car) but realize we could have made a different purchase and saved a little money.

Essentially, in a consumption society like the U.S., your success is sometimes marked by your stuff, but your stuff does nothing for you – on the inside.  It sits there and waits to be played with while we are still paying a bill for it and don’t have time to enjoy it.  When was the last time your car encouraged your dreams?  When was the last time your clothes comforted you during a difficult time?  Did your grill get you a new job? 

Some of your stuff may be helpful to you at certain times in your life, but it demands money and maintenance from you. What has it done for you lately?

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