Monday, December 26, 2011


In August I visited a local café called Beyu (bee - you) caffé to chat about my life with a good friend. What a message in the name of that café – BE YOU! How often do we find ourselves doing things we really don’t feel like doing to make others happy?

We tell ourselves that we are showing or giving our “love” or friendship when we are really causing ourselves to be tired and sometimes resentful of our friends and family. Why is it so hard for us to say no?

Maybe we are “people pleasing,” or seeking approval or feel like the world will fall apart if we are anything less than superman or superwoman. Perhaps we just enjoy seeing people happy – even if making them happy makes us uncomfortable sometimes. Regardless of why we do what we do, every now and then, you just need to Do YOU!

Spend some time with God, mediate, take yourself shopping, buy yourself dinner, take yourself out and spend all day at home in your pajamas if you want to. When we “do” for ourselves, we rejuvenate and recharge to help others. There is nothing selfish about it. For a healthy you just BEYU!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Newsfeed … December 25, 2011 … 2,011 Likes

On holidays or “Holy Days” we tend to reflect on the meaning of the said “Holy Day.” Today is Christmas, and we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the son of God, who was born of a virgin, died for the sin of the people in the world and was resurrected on the third day after His crucifixion. Today we celebrate His coming into the world. We know this because the Gospels tell us what happened – 2,000 years later.

At the time of Jesus’ is birth, news traveled a little slower than today in 2011. Messages were sent via messengers on horseback, camel-hump or by ship. They even ran marathons or sent pigeons with pertinent information. It could take days, weeks or even months for information to arrive to populations around the world or in various kingdoms. 

Today, we are accustomed to instantaneous information via the television, radio, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, instant messaging and other internet mediums. What would have happened if Jesus were born in the age of the internet?

The social stigma Mary received for being pregnant and unwed would have not been as taboo, and the Wise Men would have flown to Bethlehem.  BUT what if Mary & Joseph had Facebook? What would their “newsfeed” look like?

If Mary & Joseph had Facebook…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Early in the morning

Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and wondered what happened to the day? You’re wondering how 6 p.m. came so soon and why you didn’t do the 10 things you set out to do that day. When we wake up, our minds are generally clear and we often times decide to “save the world” that day – or if not the world then at least give our “to do” list a good striking through. Then something happens. The seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into hours, the evening arrives and we’ve done nothing. Not a thing on our list is checked off. We didn’t save the world, and we didn’t save anything in our personal lives. How do we stop this viscous cycle?

I’ve heard many people advise that “early in the morning” is when we should pray, meditate, read, workout and take time for the important things in our lives. I have been resistant to this creed for a few things. While I meditate, pray and spend quiet time with God, I haven’t gotten my head around exercising or reading or some of the other things that I am too tired to do in the evening. Now that it is dark outside in the early morning, I especially loathe getting up because psychologically for me, it is still “night time.” What’s the solution? SUCK IT UP!

If I constantly create excuses as to why I can’t get up and do what I say I want to do, then clearly I don’t want to do those things “bad enough.” We create time for what is important – even if the time is in the wee hours of the morning. Early in the morning, our minds & spirits are fresh (even if our breath isn’t!) and our bodies are poised to do great things. 

There is a woman whom I greatly admire who had three children, and she found the time to get up, spend time with God in prayer and study time, exercise, lose 20+ pounds, keep her household running and work full-time while being an awesome mom. If you have excuses, look around in your life for someone who has all the excuses in the world, but still finds a way to make it happen. Maybe you can glean some inspiration from them. There is a special blessing for those who decide to start their day early in the morning…

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today is a very special day for families in the U.S. Today is “el día de acción de gracias¨ or a day to give thanks. There is a story about Pilgrims and Native Americans that apparently started the tradition and here we are centuries later still going. While it´s great to set a day aside to “remember” to be thankful, it is my hope that we make a daily practice of expressing our gratitude every day for life, health, family, friends, food, clothing, shelter and a million other things that God has allowed to be present in our lives. Gratefulness – not entitlement should be the order of the day – 365 days of the year.

Today, I was inspired by a t.v. show (yes, a t.v. show) that shall remain nameless. The writers used the metaphor of butterflies and how it is God’s proof that second chances exist. While I agree, butterflies are a symbol of so much more. They are beautiful by almost anyone’s standards, but they did not start that way.

Butterflies started off as worms – yes, caterpillars are worms. They crawl on the ground, searching for food and are at the mercy of numerous predators. Their vibrant colors provide some protection, and after some time, they stop feeding and start to morph. They become dormant, immobile and “rest” in a hard shell while they are morphing. They are actually are quite ugly during this metamorphosis. Finally the changes on the inside start affecting the outside, and they “hatch.” They break through the rough exterior and emerge as gorgeous butterflies, and live a full, life (sometimes a week or a year depending on the species) blessing us humans with their beauty.

Why am I talking about butterflies? I thank God for His butterflies. Their journey from “wormdom” to being the most beautiful flying insect is an example of the change God can work inside of us. He can give us an entirely new life – make a new creation if we would just do what we were born to do, and let Him have His way inside of us. The change will eventually reflect on the outside, and we will bless the world with the beauty He has created. I am grateful that there are second chances with God! :^) THANK YOU, Lord!!!

Monday, October 31, 2011


“Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…” - Max Ehrmann

Much has happened in the last month. In the eastern part of the U.S. we’ve experienced Hurricane Irene that relentlessly wreaked havoc on the east coast, an earthquake that rocked the DC area and surrounding states and tornadoes in the southeast. The Libyan people killed Moammar Gaddafi, fed-up Americans are “occupying Wall Street,” which have led to riots in California, President Obama announced the return of U.S. troops from Iraq and Steve Jobs, the apple founder and innovator, died all too soon. There are many other major events that have rocked the world, as I have only named a few.

I have struggled with what to write and at least one of the followers of my writings asked when I would post again. I thank you who choose to read what I humbly write. There have been many events and multiple challenges for me this last month. I have been desperately seeking peace. It is challenging for us to remember who or what our anchor is when there is so much noise and haste happening all around us. It is in silence and in our quiet moments that we can hear that still, small voice speaking to us, “Peace, be still.”

I am finally getting some understanding of what it means to be still. So here I am, waiting in silence for peace to come. Thank you for your patience, blog family. I will try not to have you waiting so long again.

“ the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world…”

Saturday, September 10, 2011

“Just a spoonful of sugar…”

I realize I’ve been off the map. My excuse is that I’ve had places to go, people to see and things to do. I don’t have time for “fun” things because I’ve got work to do! Does this story sound familiar?

I’ve been so out of balance that I haven’t taken time for myself or for my passion to encourage and uplift others. As a result, a friend told me recently that I need to get out and get connected to the world. I started laughing. When asked why I said that the medicine I was getting is what I give to people all the time.

So I say to myself and to you, repeating what I said many moons ago, “Get into balance!” Life is too short to not enjoy it and working all of the time is fruitful, but out of balance. We are in control of what we do and don’t do – most of the time. When you can, choose balance, pencil-in fun, rest and connect with the world. Your life will be so much sweeter… “…makes the medicine go down….”

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We all have “stuff”

I’ve been talking about material stuff, but I am now going to talk briefly about our personal stuff, our baggage or the mental and emotional weights that we sometimes carry around. “Back in the Day” Erykah Badu had a hit called “Bag Lady” that also applies to men.

Many people walk around with so much “stuff” in their bags that they can’t take a step forward.  They are so focused on their stuff that they can’t see what or who is in front of them.  They can’t go on vacation in a paradise of freedom because they haven’t checked their bags into a long-term cabin. 

We can’t go on an extended vacation dragging our bags everywhere we go. We hold-on to that stuff that holds us down, holds us back, holds us under and keeps us anywhere but on top, ahead, forward, and on the move. We need to take a permanent vacation and check our bags onto a one-way ticket far away from where we are headed. We’re going to a paradise of peace and freedom, and sorry, stuff, you’re not “coming with!”

Friday, August 5, 2011

What has your stuff done for you lately?

New toys, bling and shiny new things are all something that we at some point or another like to have.  We spend money on new cars, clothes, video games, movies, boats, golf clubs, homes, grills, watches, jewelry or even a new “[hair] do.”  Sometimes our purchases are necessities, but more often than not, they are wants or something else that that we see in the store window that someone’s marketing campaign convinced us that we MUST have.  So we go shopping, we buy something, and then we have either:

a)    toys that are sitting in the house that we no longer use and even forgot we have,
b)    toys that are sitting in the house that we no longer use and even forgot we have and are STILL PAYING FOR or
c)    toys that we use frequently because we made a good purchase for our house or for our hobby

Which one of these applies to you?  I believe many people have an interest in something and spoil themselves occasionally and are reasonable with their purchases.  There are others who make purchases or start hobbies and never finish them.  We then are sitting on all of this stuff that we are still paying for and we have no use for the items.  Or we may still use it (like a car) but realize we could have made a different purchase and saved a little money.

Essentially, in a consumption society like the U.S., your success is sometimes marked by your stuff, but your stuff does nothing for you – on the inside.  It sits there and waits to be played with while we are still paying a bill for it and don’t have time to enjoy it.  When was the last time your car encouraged your dreams?  When was the last time your clothes comforted you during a difficult time?  Did your grill get you a new job? 

Some of your stuff may be helpful to you at certain times in your life, but it demands money and maintenance from you. What has it done for you lately?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Note to Self

Have you ever made a “to do” list that gets longer every day.  These are not your normal “to do’s” but your personal “to do’s.”  You know, the things that you “need” to do to be the you that you think you want to be.  Some of the things I “need to do” everyday are: floss, spend time with God, exercise, read a chapter in a book, write on this blog and other things that I believe will enhance my overall being.  The problem is that I never get around to doing them all, I get overwhelmed, do nothing and then I feel bad for not having met my goal.  Who said I need to do all of this stuff anyway?  Oh, yea, ME!

I am going to free myself right now.  Self, the only thing you absolutely need to do is spend time with God. The reason why is because after you spend time with God, He will share with you the “everything else” you need to do for the day.  Problem solved!

I would write more, but I have to go floss now :-)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Don’t worry, be happy

Tomorrow will worry about itself…

I am a planner and arguably an over-planner sometimes.  The what if’s have kept me up at night even when I think I’m not worrying over something.  My faith reminds me that tomorrow will worry about itself, and that I should be anxious for nothing, but with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, I should make my requests known to God.  

After all, I am to cast my cares onto God anyway. These spirituals keep me grounded and keep me going when I think that I have to do everything by myself when there is so much to do.  They remind me that I can only do what I can do within the 24 hours that God has given me to do it.  

Everyone gets the same 24 hours to do or not do whatever needs to be done during the day. Worrying doesn’t make the time go faster, nor does it help the work get done.  Worrying causes stress, grey hair and arguably a shorter, less enjoyable life.  

Live today.  Enjoy your life today.  Be in the moment today.  Right now, this moment is all that you have.

(Matthew 6:34, Philippians 4:6, I Peter 5:7)