August I visited a local café called Beyu (bee - you) caffé to chat about my
life with a good friend. What a message in the name of that café – BE YOU! How often
do we find ourselves doing things we really don’t feel like doing to make
others happy?
tell ourselves that we are showing or giving our “love” or friendship when we
are really causing ourselves to be tired and sometimes resentful of our friends
and family. Why is it so hard for us to say no?
we are “people pleasing,” or seeking approval or feel like the world will fall apart
if we are anything less than superman or superwoman. Perhaps we just enjoy
seeing people happy – even if making them happy makes us uncomfortable
sometimes. Regardless of why we do what we do, every now and then, you just
need to Do YOU!
some time with God, mediate, take yourself shopping, buy yourself dinner, take
yourself out and spend all day at home in your pajamas if you want to. When we “do”
for ourselves, we rejuvenate and recharge to help others. There is nothing
selfish about it. For a healthy you just BEYU!