realize I’ve been off the map. My excuse is that I’ve had places to go, people
to see and things to do. I don’t have time for “fun” things because I’ve got
work to do! Does this story sound familiar?
I’ve been so out of balance that I haven’t taken time for myself or
for my passion to encourage and uplift others. As a result, a friend told me
recently that I need to get out and get connected to the world. I started
laughing. When asked why I said that the medicine I was getting is what I give
to people all the time.
So I
say to myself and to you, repeating what I said many moons ago, “Get into
balance!” Life is too short to not enjoy it and working all of the time
is fruitful, but out of balance. We are in control of what we do and don’t do –
most of the time. When you can, choose balance, pencil-in fun, rest
and connect with the world. Your life will be so much sweeter… “…makes the
medicine go down….”