Nine years ago on this day I was working for a private company in Human Resources. As the morning was getting started, I was talking to a friend in DC who told me that an airplane had just hit one of the towers. I immediately went to a news website on the internet. Then another plane hit.. then she said there was a plan coming to hit the Pentagon. By this time the televisions around the work area were all tuned to stations reporting on the incredulous events that took place on September 11th. I remember calling the friends and family I knew to be working in downtown Manhattan to see if they were okay. Apparently my cousin who normally works in the Twin Towers was traveling that day. I remember not being able to process what was going on and asking my manager for the rest of the day off...
A local radio station played Jeff Majors' then popular and very appropriate gospel song Psalm 23 song every hour - on the hour. I remember that our nation was looking for answers where the only answer was a spirit of hate that seems to be still consuming this world. I remember in the aftermath people asking God why did this happen. I remember not really accepting anyone's answer. Even the only acceptable to anyone's question about why bad things happen to good people (answer: God is sovereign) was unacceptable and made no sense. I still asked, WHY???
I still ask, "Why bad things happen at all?" It's an easier pill to swallow when bad things happen to "bad people" or those who "deserve it", but why do they happen at all? Why do we have to suffer so? Why some more than others?
What does make sense is that I know now - better than then - that God is sovereign, and who am I to question His decision to let the beings He created exercise their free will? Our free will is our decision to love or to hate. To love God and receive God's love for us - spreading that love to others OR to inject hate into the world that we get from the hate that satan spews through the portals in our lives that we let him enter into. Even when we are the victims of the most evil acts, we can choose to respond not in kind, but in love...
God is sovereign and he is not to blame for anything. Check your portals and check yourself. We have to be the change we are seeking. Receive God's love and spread that agape love. Do not be discouraged or affected by the hate some have chosen. You have a choice. Choose life and illuminate others with your light within! Walk in love...
For wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her. (Prov 8:11)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cleansing - Day 7
The fabulous meal today was stir fry veggies over brown rice. YES, you read correctly BROWN rice. That's what the cleanse called for, and YES, that is what I cooked. NO, it wasn't instant. It was on the stove boiled down to perfection, and yes, it was perfect - my dad even said so ;^)
And after today, I am finished! I have cleansed, lost 6 pounds, cooked, and my skin is even glowing! According to Merriam Webster "cleanse" means to: "clean; especially to rid of impurities by or as if by washing." I have washed myself from the inside out over the last 7 days. If you clean something on the outside, often times the inside still needs work. All of us should consider submitting to God, and allow Him to cleanse us without us being difficult and asking "why?" He will vacuum the inside of us and suck out the impurities we picked up as we dabbled in a little of this and a little of that - none of which had anything to do with God's will for our lives. And, like any house, the dust builds up, and we'll have to ask Him to do it again..and again...
I pray this blog will a cleansing agent for you as it has been and will be for me. Be Blessed!!! :^)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Cleansing - Day 6
Today I awoke to a stuffy head and nose thinking that it was not going to be a good day. However, after reading the Word (for those who don't know what the Word is, that means the bible) I was refreshed and started feeling better. The cleanse has become difficult given that I have a sweet tooth (ice cream is what caused the majority of my fat cells to form when I was younger). I tried my hand at chicken, onions and squash again, and had a lovely result. Baby spinach doused with tomatoes and a little Balsamic Vinaigrette made for lovely snacks.
Perseverance is the key to discipline. When you feel like quitting, don't. The end is always around the corner!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Cleansing - Day 5
Today was a success for the new cooking master. I cooked meat for the first time by myself - seasoned and everything! My very tasty chicken (boneless & skinless) turned out lovely in a bed of stir-fried veggies. The asparagus was better today, and I sauteed onions! Tomorrow will be more of the same...
Why do we wait until time is almost over to do the things we had eons to do? Asking "why?" really isn't important sometimes. The important thing is that we start and keep going until it is finished. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Cleansing - Day 4
Today I ate the TJ-soup (green onions, tomatoes, green peppers, celery, cabbage) I made. It was surprisingly very tasty. I also bought cantaloupe that was super sweet. I drank my soy milk instead of skim, and it wasn't that bad. Tomorrow, I will try my hand at chicken and more veggies. If nothing else, I'm definitely learning how to cook this week.
I'm listening to Pastor Charles Stanley talk about walking away from God. The main reason for this cleanse to to walk towards God and allow Him to guide my path. A wandering spirit not lead by God is a wasted spirit.
I'm listening to Pastor Charles Stanley talk about walking away from God. The main reason for this cleanse to to walk towards God and allow Him to guide my path. A wandering spirit not lead by God is a wasted spirit.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Cleansing - Day 3
Today was easier than yesterday. Eating fruits and vegetables add variety, BUT the baked potato with butter was the best meal ever last night! This is much harder than what I thought it would be. I have cooked more in the past two days than I probably have in my entire life. Kidding, but I really have cooked more vegetables than I ever have in my life ;^)
In bible study we are reading The Shack by William P. Young, and I missed the first day today because I'm not feeling well. If you have not read it, it is a MUST READ and one to keep in the library. Who is God to you? God is waiting to meet all of us our shack where He will have a conversation with us.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Cleansing - Day 2
Fasting is a journey that you take spiritually, mentally and emotionally... Today was easier than yesterday. I ate more. I even cooked squash, asparagus, broccoli, edamame and a vegetable soup! Yes, you read correctly - I COOKED!
Spiritually, I know that God was and is with me. He will honor what we do to get closer to Him - to hear from Him - as along as it is aligned with His word. I pray that I feel His awesome presence more and more!
Spiritually, I know that God was and is with me. He will honor what we do to get closer to Him - to hear from Him - as along as it is aligned with His word. I pray that I feel His awesome presence more and more!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Cleansing - Day 1
I am 'cleansing' this week. Today was all the fruit I could eat. I am so hungry. Tomorrow is all the veggies I can eat. I'm hoping that they will be more filling than the fruit yesterday. Word of wisdom: NEVER watch t.v. while dieting, fasting, cleansing or whatever. Subliminal suggestions are all over the place... Mind over Matter..
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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